Saturday Blues

it's SATURDAY and i'm feeling a bit on the down side or maybe i woke up again on the wrong side of the bed AGAIN for the 2nd time in a row. who created bad vibes? seriously, that person should just go in a corner and disappear or something along with the person who created MATH. 

anyways! .. on a happy side .. later on tonight is earth hour 2011 starting at 830PM. 

before i admit i wasnt really into these things because i wasnt really aware or i just didnt care. okay that sounded harsh but really i wasnt, and i know some others who didnt care either. but since after the horrible incident that happened to Japan, i guess it was really an eye opener for the whole world because tsunamis usually dont happen  or hasnt happened in a long time right , then all of a sudden because of a super intense earthquake then a tsunami came. so now a part of japans still in the process of recovering and alot of lives were taken away. so since the observer for this years earth hour goes to the people and the country in japan. i think we should all help out, i mean think about what more we can do if we can start with just switching off lights for an hour right? there's no harm in trying. it's a actually a bigger step forward in helping our planet. im actually planning to go to mall of asia before 830PM to witness this once in a year event. it interests me ^.^

aside from earth hour, i again have this urge to dye my hair [ yes again for the nth time ] a different color a new shade that i discovered but still thinking if it will look good on me or i will just end up looking all funky. from my previous blog ive dyed my hair Sugar Apricot using Prettia Bubble Hair Dye. This is the outcome of it :

well, lighting in the room was pretty bad so ill see if i can upload one outdoors. and this is the box of for this color that i have used :

   the color that came out on my hair, or the closest would be the 2nd picture. But now i am wanting to dye it to Hi-Bleach . Still the same brand but just different color.

i seriously wonder what i would look like if this was my hair color. i mean since its summer why not make hair colors go bright right? and when the ber months come rolling in lets all go back to darker hues. 

Family Guy & L'oreal Total Repair 5

I changed my shampoo and conditioner once again! I don't know though if I should be happy or not because I like trying out new products that catch my attention or I believe to be would work , especially since my hair is like DOUBLE DEAD [ meat? haha ] from all that hair dying that I do every time I discover a new hair color ^. ^ 
anyways, I was at SM last night , I was supposed to do groceries but then I ended up in Watsons. Honestly, I love Watsons aside from the other beauty health stores because since SM is everywhere in Philippines so is Watsons. 
Anyways so I was there buying my goods, when I stumbled upon the hair care section and my feet dragged me to the shampoo & conditioner . Okay so I admit one of the reasons why I wanted to try this also was because Anne Curtis's commercial for this airs how many times , and I'm sure we all have seen it.

Okay, maybe that's not the one really airing talaga but I couldn't find it [ IM SORRY ]. So yeah so that basically gave away what shampoo and conditioner I bought. Yup its the loreal total repair 5  for damaged hair [ yes, my hair is damaged as I've mentioned haha ] . I only started using it today but then my hair is very .. fluffy now. Not in a Lion King Mufasa way but I feel like it will work and almost be that SOFT [ I am totally dreaming haha ] like Anne's in the commercial.  So far so good. And I really love the smell. It smells nice. I bought the little bottle ( FAIL . I didn't get to check how much is in it compared to the big bottles ) because if it doesn't work on my hair, at least it wouldn't go to waste THAT MUCH . But I'm really hoping it would work though. SO FAR SO GOOD.

Anyways, I was on youtube one day and I stumbled upon FAMILY GUY clips from their episodes. LAUGH TRIP for me because stewie is just the best. For those of you who don't know what Family Guy is, I really recommend to watch this cartoon series. Pre-view:

Where else would you see a baby with a deep ass voice and a talking dog getting along? Their humor though is not for the normal disney , cartoon network type of thing though. A little more mature than that but still real funny. Right now I actually miss watching this cause I havent watched it in a long time. 


(-_- ) HmMm ..

First of all, I would like to thank Sai Sayson for the two pictures of domo and I.

Please do check out her blog at :

Domo: " Why are you mad again? Your always mad, I'm trying to understand you, but you just have to let it go "

Mich: " NO DOMO, you don't understand! I just really want to UNDERSTAND what is their motif if they want to pin point
              all the negative things about what you're doing.?! Why do people look down on you or UNDERESTIMATE you
              and they don't even give you the time of the fuckin' day to try to see your side! I mean , I'm not being a little bitch
              about it but its TOO MUCH "

Domo: " There are people alot of people like that in the world and you will encounter people like that. But just don't
              mind them, eventually they will come around . 

Mich: " That's easy for you to say because you can just charm them with your open mouth look and PEOPLE WILL COME
              around to you. It's different for people. Not everyone has the charms and cuteness. I just really want to understand
              WHY are they like that. I don't want to give up because I feel like I'm the one who lost in the end because I know
             I can bring out MUCH MORE .. if people would just give me the chance and not automatically think she's
             hopeless .."

Domo :    “Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion:
                 The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
   HAHA . I just qouted that out of no where . But  just don't mind
                 them, it's their loss if they won't give you the chance to show what you can do.."

HAHAHA I totally just made a story out of that! I'm not sure though if it made sense but then I did using pictures that Sai took and the one of what I took. And no, I really don't talk to my stuffed animals in real life as well as arguing with them. I don't know  why I did this, maybe because these past few days I'm feeling kinda on the down ( deeper than down like HELL down ) these days.  But I made it this far , or let me rephrase that I've lasted this long and lived this long for me to let it start affecting me so I think in a way after doing my weirdly short story above I realized I shouldn't care. I mean yes it's going to get to me and yes I will forever be complaining about it but then I know there is nothing else I can do about it but PROVE THEM WRONG if they won't give me the chance to do that or what. It's not my loss.  

I don't understand why people are seriously like that when God had created each individual on earth equally. But hey, oh well. that's reality. I know i'll get through it. I believe that God didn't throw me these challenges in life if he knew I can't get through them right?

I really wish it was payday. I think I need to sepnd some bonding time with me and only me to relax and get everything off my back .. mind .. shoulders.. EVERYTHING!. I'm getting too old for drama. I think I need to stop caring less and being a bitch more. But that wasn't how I was raised. But then I gotta learn how to break the rest of my shell off and show my maldita side. 

I can't let people  mistake my kindness for weakness, my silence for complicity , or my patience for uncaring I should have realized I should have changed a long time ago.  I hate it that I always think there is a good in everyone when there really isn't. HELLO WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD . I can do this. I feel like whatever problems I'm being thrown I can get through it. I've been through alot ever since I have moved here to the Philippines ( wrong move ) but I'm still standing. I can do this .. 


Simple Happiness

YAYYYY finally remembered my password and login for this! Yeah how dumb. I swear when I don't visit a page as often as I could I will forget something, and that something will eventually be the login and password. But HOORAYYYY.

Anyways, honestly, I really don't know what time of the year it is here in the Philippines. I mean like you know how in other places you got the whole four seasons thing going on  ( winter, spring , summer , fall ) and like here, what do we really have? I mean I know we have SUMMER  but we have that all year round. Now it's raining .. I don't really have that big of a problem with rain but I really hate it when it rains when coming home. O_O. I remember I fell into a kanal when I went home once by myself when it was raining. I lost the other half of my only brown havaianas slipper in it. I swear it was .. not the coolest experience ever. But anyways, so I'm guessing we have 2 seasons then? RAINY and summer? Does rainy even count as a season?!

Rainy ( okay so I'm guessing it can be a season in my blog ) always makes it hard for me to wake up in the mornings seriously. It makes me get real lazy. As in totally lazy that someone will get pissed off at me. But theBn again I fight with my laziness so that won't happen. Rainy seasons also remind me of emo stuff. HAHA. Like when people listen to cheesy love songs or the ones about break up or something, basta anything emo. NO I do not have anything against emos OKAY I am simply saying lang. I admit I tend to get a little sad when it's rainy. I don't know why, everything just seems GLOOMY. BUT I just found out one thing that makes me smile even in the simplest way ever. . . . By just going on YouTube and watching Coca-Cola's Happiness Machine and Truck videos. Seriously you should try it, when you're stressed , not in the mood, taking a break, hanging out online, or don't have anything else better to watch. The expressions on people's faces are timeless.  Just seeing everyone having a good time and being happy , which leads to everyone coming together is an example of simple happiness. I love how after almost every video the line " Where will happiness strike next " or something like that makes me want to shout out a place that's nearby so I can either push the button on the happiness truck and hope a DOMO Plushie holding a coke will come out or put ( no not a dollar or a quarter , I'm in the philippines haha ) either 15 pesos or HOPEFULLY LESS ( haha ) and something comes out like LECHON. May be a bit weird but one day I almost spend the entire day watching those videos ( no not the same one, they have the coke happiness machines in different places ) and I find myself just smiling in front of the monitor. Weird huh? Try it and watch and you will see yourself smiling as well. 
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