Wow! Another year has ended and in comes a new one. Since its the first day of a new beginning, I might as well get started on listing down my resolutions or I rather call them "goals" for this year.
My New Years Goals
1. LOSE WEIGHT . Seriously. I remember I always have that on my list but this time I will seriously go on a diet and try to loose the unwanted baby fats.
2. BE HAPPY.THINK POSITIVELY . Fuck the drama,fuck the people who like putting me down. I'm gonna start this year HAPPY and put myself first now before others. I mean I know you can't avoid it but I plan to live this year HAPPY.
3.NO MORE COMPULSIVE BUYING.SAVING UP. Seriously. Again. This year I plan to save up more and avoid the malls, the ukays, the online shops, everything. I will only splurge on the things that are really needed.
4.LEAVE. I will do everything and anything that I can to leave Philippines. Its not that I dislike the place, but I know and I have the advantage already of leaving so I will take that opportunity and make a new life for myself somewhere other than this place where people stay frozen in a certain point in their life.
5. BE ME . DO ME . BE HAPPY. Again I will do everything and anything to be happy this year. Be Me. Do Me. Fuck whoever can't accept that. For those who like putting me down, I know there are some and I will just do anything in my power to get you more pissed off because I could care less about you. =)I will do what pleases me and not follow rules. I will make this my year.
Leave behind the past (which includes all those bad vibes) and start new.
SoOo .. Now is the first day of a brand new year and I am sitting at home watching TV. HA HA. What a way to start off the year. Hopefully the Tagaytay road trip will pull through later on tonight. IT'S TIME TO PARTY.
Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!. I wish everyone a more happier, healthier, and prosperous year.<3
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