Soo much for my attitude last night which was " My Monday's gonna be very PRODUCTIVE! "  Soooo much for that. I was hoping my Monday would be uber productive that I will be able to reward myself with something great by the end of the day, but now I'm feeling kinda , okay not kinda, but VERY disappointed... My Monday was not how I thought it would go. =(

Always kept it in my mind that it would be PRODUCTIVE so that the rest of the week it would be PRODUCTIVE, but my Monday failed me. Or have I failed myself? 

I would really hate to think that I have failed myself because I've really tried, but then something always manages to fuck things up. Like today, my eyes hurt real bad which causes my head to hurt. I still don't know why I haven't attempted to buy a new pair of glasses ( maybe because the one I want is a bit too pricey haha ) . But my goal in 15 more days to buy new glasses to help my eyes, astigmatism, and to help stop my headache. 

err. Ookay, one thing I really hate about me is when my head starts hurting freakishly much my brain stops functioning right there, like everything shuts down and I just wanna curl up in a corner OR IN MY OWN BED and just sleep it off. Thank god for flexi time for work. Seriously I don't know if its my sinusitis or what. But it is killing me. What a way to start my MONDAY. I hope tomorrow will be better since its the first of a new month. PLEASE FEB.1 BE GOOD TO ME.


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