i feel sooooooo cranky or more moody.
I believe when you start your week bad, like when you first get up in the morning on MONDAY , your whole week just goes bad. So I try my best to start every MONDAY "bright and shiny" , but unlucky me, I started this week bad.
I know mothers are supposed to know best and everything, wait before I start this off, don't judge me I respect my family and I respect everyone elses' , but its just one of those days and blogging helps de-stress. So anyways, my mother all of a sudden just wants to unleash the dragon out on me for no reason. Maybe because I just got spotted and she took out her rage on me. Which I think is totally not cool but I know alot of people can feel me on this one but jeez! Isn't it a pain in the ass though! I thought I would be better off if I just don't talk to her but then JEEz , I got aimed at again this morning, which totally turned into a feud. OH WELL. nothing will change if i keep bitchin , just have to move on..
dear the rest of the week.. please do me good. I could use a picker upper this week.
jee.i swear my blogs going emo. haha
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