Reached 1 Year & 5 Months !

Haven't blogged in this for awhile now, because I ended up starting to work on another blog (check it out xoxogeich.blogspot.com) . This one now will be more of my personal blog so I guess we can scratch out the previous posts I had on this when I was trying to be something I was not really destined for. But since I like writing I will continue this and this will be a personal blog. I repeat .. personal. This will be updated when I feel the urge to write or share the ups & downs of my day. 

So you're probably wondering about the title huh? Well no, this blog hasn't hit 1 year and 5 months. I did.. at work. Yup! Well maybe to other people that really isn't a big thing but to me it's sort of because I remember when I was still in school & so envious of the people who worked their dream jobs and earned their much deserved salaries and got to do whatever they wanted with it. I remember just days before college graduation I'd dream that I would work with a company that I really really loved (the people included), I would be doing the work that I loved, and I would be earning the pay that I deserved. Well .. Reality Check. That wasn't what quite happened. But hey I reached a year and five months! I'd have to say that I honestly did learn from the year, I encountered hard times, good times, and worse times. But hey that's what people usually encounter when they step out into the real world. I met new and wonderful people in the business, some that I have gotten close with and till today we still talk , others I have encountered not so good times and fall outs which are just fucking stupid, but they helped me learn the things I needed to learn. 

Does it sound like I'm complaining though? I don't mean to if I do sound like it because i'm just trying to summarize the year. I'm thankful though. Despite everything that has happened I'm still thankful. But I am not thankful for some helping me see things in negative ways . I don't want to regret anything but then I guess this is almost one thing that I do regret. I don't like the fact that before I started I never had a negative vibe in my body, but then as the days grew longer and the stay, half of me is as negative as possible. It's cool. Know why? Because it helped me become a much stronger person that I am today. I guess you can't go around being nice (not like I do , just some people deserve me being nice), because there are times when one's just power trippin and you have to stand your ground.  Ok, that was not complaining at all. AGAIN that was not complaining. I'm actually just writing anything that flows out of my head right now about my year. 

Overall .. thankful again because I discovered a person inside of me that should have been released a long time ago against bullshit people. Thankful for the experiences that are thrown at me but then I really do hope the negatrons in me are slowly becoming less because these days I really don't give a fuck anymore. It's much better that way. Try it :) .  

"The girl you just called fat? She is overdosing on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on, hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for our country. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. I am against bullying. You never know what it's like until you walk a mile in their shoes"


On May 9, Ugandan Parliament was on the verge on voting on a law that would impose death penalty to those for just being gay. 

When I was younger, I only knew there were 2 kinds of people. Woman and Men. I never knew there were others that were in-between. I started realizing people like that existed as I grew older. I remember in middle school I saw someone picking on a guy for being different. They would push him around and make continuous jokes like "dont drop the soap in the locker room while you're with him" or "he's probably fantasizing about me", all coming from guys.  I realized it wasn't his fault for being the way that he is. If he was born that way and wanted to be that way everyone should just accept him. I guess during those days since were young and dumb  ( haha ) and haven't really entered the real world, we only knew what existed was men and woman, no in-betweens. 

As I grew older, i encountered more people of different types and I actually learned to love them <3. I believe that these people are uniquely created by God and sent down from the heavens to give us the laughter and joys in our lives that some of us are actually missing. There are the types of people that give off good vibes to those who don't know how to have fun anymore.They have just every right amount of right to be here just like anyone else.

I am now just reccently active on twitter and came across one of the tweets that read :

‎" 12 hours to stop #uganda bill that would impose death penalty for being gay. Sign the petition "

As I read that, I looked back to the times I have encountered bullying with these kinds of people and how hurt I felt for them. I decided to sign the petition asap. It doesn't cost a cent or a piso to take the time to sign your name up. All it takes is a couple minutes of your time in reading the article in the website and typing in your information in the tabs.  

Just earlier today, before I sat down in front of the laptop for a new day's work, it came across my mind " have we helped stopped the bill ? " .   Luckily, with social media and the internet,  and one of the users that I was following on Twitter, a tweet appeared in my feedback that said that we had all helped stopped that bill. Imagine inside I was really happy for the fact to just spread that over the web,  
you can help make a difference. 

If you check the website  right now , we have reached the goal of a million signature. Let's help now in reaching the 1.5M. Spread the word and make a difference , even just by sitting in front of computer.

Saturday Blues

it's SATURDAY and i'm feeling a bit on the down side or maybe i woke up again on the wrong side of the bed AGAIN for the 2nd time in a row. who created bad vibes? seriously, that person should just go in a corner and disappear or something along with the person who created MATH. 

anyways! .. on a happy side .. later on tonight is earth hour 2011 starting at 830PM. 

before i admit i wasnt really into these things because i wasnt really aware or i just didnt care. okay that sounded harsh but really i wasnt, and i know some others who didnt care either. but since after the horrible incident that happened to Japan, i guess it was really an eye opener for the whole world because tsunamis usually dont happen  or hasnt happened in a long time right , then all of a sudden because of a super intense earthquake then a tsunami came. so now a part of japans still in the process of recovering and alot of lives were taken away. so since the observer for this years earth hour goes to the people and the country in japan. i think we should all help out, i mean think about what more we can do if we can start with just switching off lights for an hour right? there's no harm in trying. it's a actually a bigger step forward in helping our planet. im actually planning to go to mall of asia before 830PM to witness this once in a year event. it interests me ^.^

aside from earth hour, i again have this urge to dye my hair [ yes again for the nth time ] a different color a new shade that i discovered but still thinking if it will look good on me or i will just end up looking all funky. from my previous blog ive dyed my hair Sugar Apricot using Prettia Bubble Hair Dye. This is the outcome of it :

well, lighting in the room was pretty bad so ill see if i can upload one outdoors. and this is the box of for this color that i have used :

   the color that came out on my hair, or the closest would be the 2nd picture. But now i am wanting to dye it to Hi-Bleach . Still the same brand but just different color.

i seriously wonder what i would look like if this was my hair color. i mean since its summer why not make hair colors go bright right? and when the ber months come rolling in lets all go back to darker hues. 

Family Guy & L'oreal Total Repair 5

I changed my shampoo and conditioner once again! I don't know though if I should be happy or not because I like trying out new products that catch my attention or I believe to be would work , especially since my hair is like DOUBLE DEAD [ meat? haha ] from all that hair dying that I do every time I discover a new hair color ^. ^ 
anyways, I was at SM last night , I was supposed to do groceries but then I ended up in Watsons. Honestly, I love Watsons aside from the other beauty health stores because since SM is everywhere in Philippines so is Watsons. 
Anyways so I was there buying my goods, when I stumbled upon the hair care section and my feet dragged me to the shampoo & conditioner . Okay so I admit one of the reasons why I wanted to try this also was because Anne Curtis's commercial for this airs how many times , and I'm sure we all have seen it.

Okay, maybe that's not the one really airing talaga but I couldn't find it [ IM SORRY ]. So yeah so that basically gave away what shampoo and conditioner I bought. Yup its the loreal total repair 5  for damaged hair [ yes, my hair is damaged as I've mentioned haha ] . I only started using it today but then my hair is very .. fluffy now. Not in a Lion King Mufasa way but I feel like it will work and almost be that SOFT [ I am totally dreaming haha ] like Anne's in the commercial.  So far so good. And I really love the smell. It smells nice. I bought the little bottle ( FAIL . I didn't get to check how much is in it compared to the big bottles ) because if it doesn't work on my hair, at least it wouldn't go to waste THAT MUCH . But I'm really hoping it would work though. SO FAR SO GOOD.

Anyways, I was on youtube one day and I stumbled upon FAMILY GUY clips from their episodes. LAUGH TRIP for me because stewie is just the best. For those of you who don't know what Family Guy is, I really recommend to watch this cartoon series. Pre-view:

Where else would you see a baby with a deep ass voice and a talking dog getting along? Their humor though is not for the normal disney , cartoon network type of thing though. A little more mature than that but still real funny. Right now I actually miss watching this cause I havent watched it in a long time. 


(-_- ) HmMm ..

First of all, I would like to thank Sai Sayson for the two pictures of domo and I.

Please do check out her blog at :

Domo: " Why are you mad again? Your always mad, I'm trying to understand you, but you just have to let it go "

Mich: " NO DOMO, you don't understand! I just really want to UNDERSTAND what is their motif if they want to pin point
              all the negative things about what you're doing.?! Why do people look down on you or UNDERESTIMATE you
              and they don't even give you the time of the fuckin' day to try to see your side! I mean , I'm not being a little bitch
              about it but its TOO MUCH "

Domo: " There are people alot of people like that in the world and you will encounter people like that. But just don't
              mind them, eventually they will come around . 

Mich: " That's easy for you to say because you can just charm them with your open mouth look and PEOPLE WILL COME
              around to you. It's different for people. Not everyone has the charms and cuteness. I just really want to understand
              WHY are they like that. I don't want to give up because I feel like I'm the one who lost in the end because I know
             I can bring out MUCH MORE .. if people would just give me the chance and not automatically think she's
             hopeless .."

Domo :    “Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion:
                 The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
   HAHA . I just qouted that out of no where . But  just don't mind
                 them, it's their loss if they won't give you the chance to show what you can do.."

HAHAHA I totally just made a story out of that! I'm not sure though if it made sense but then I did using pictures that Sai took and the one of what I took. And no, I really don't talk to my stuffed animals in real life as well as arguing with them. I don't know  why I did this, maybe because these past few days I'm feeling kinda on the down ( deeper than down like HELL down ) these days.  But I made it this far , or let me rephrase that I've lasted this long and lived this long for me to let it start affecting me so I think in a way after doing my weirdly short story above I realized I shouldn't care. I mean yes it's going to get to me and yes I will forever be complaining about it but then I know there is nothing else I can do about it but PROVE THEM WRONG if they won't give me the chance to do that or what. It's not my loss.  

I don't understand why people are seriously like that when God had created each individual on earth equally. But hey, oh well. that's reality. I know i'll get through it. I believe that God didn't throw me these challenges in life if he knew I can't get through them right?

I really wish it was payday. I think I need to sepnd some bonding time with me and only me to relax and get everything off my back .. mind .. shoulders.. EVERYTHING!. I'm getting too old for drama. I think I need to stop caring less and being a bitch more. But that wasn't how I was raised. But then I gotta learn how to break the rest of my shell off and show my maldita side. 

I can't let people  mistake my kindness for weakness, my silence for complicity , or my patience for uncaring I should have realized I should have changed a long time ago.  I hate it that I always think there is a good in everyone when there really isn't. HELLO WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD . I can do this. I feel like whatever problems I'm being thrown I can get through it. I've been through alot ever since I have moved here to the Philippines ( wrong move ) but I'm still standing. I can do this .. 


Simple Happiness

YAYYYY finally remembered my password and login for this! Yeah how dumb. I swear when I don't visit a page as often as I could I will forget something, and that something will eventually be the login and password. But HOORAYYYY.

Anyways, honestly, I really don't know what time of the year it is here in the Philippines. I mean like you know how in other places you got the whole four seasons thing going on  ( winter, spring , summer , fall ) and like here, what do we really have? I mean I know we have SUMMER  but we have that all year round. Now it's raining .. I don't really have that big of a problem with rain but I really hate it when it rains when coming home. O_O. I remember I fell into a kanal when I went home once by myself when it was raining. I lost the other half of my only brown havaianas slipper in it. I swear it was .. not the coolest experience ever. But anyways, so I'm guessing we have 2 seasons then? RAINY and summer? Does rainy even count as a season?!

Rainy ( okay so I'm guessing it can be a season in my blog ) always makes it hard for me to wake up in the mornings seriously. It makes me get real lazy. As in totally lazy that someone will get pissed off at me. But theBn again I fight with my laziness so that won't happen. Rainy seasons also remind me of emo stuff. HAHA. Like when people listen to cheesy love songs or the ones about break up or something, basta anything emo. NO I do not have anything against emos OKAY I am simply saying lang. I admit I tend to get a little sad when it's rainy. I don't know why, everything just seems GLOOMY. BUT I just found out one thing that makes me smile even in the simplest way ever. . . . By just going on YouTube and watching Coca-Cola's Happiness Machine and Truck videos. Seriously you should try it, when you're stressed , not in the mood, taking a break, hanging out online, or don't have anything else better to watch. The expressions on people's faces are timeless.  Just seeing everyone having a good time and being happy , which leads to everyone coming together is an example of simple happiness. I love how after almost every video the line " Where will happiness strike next " or something like that makes me want to shout out a place that's nearby so I can either push the button on the happiness truck and hope a DOMO Plushie holding a coke will come out or put ( no not a dollar or a quarter , I'm in the philippines haha ) either 15 pesos or HOPEFULLY LESS ( haha ) and something comes out like LECHON. May be a bit weird but one day I almost spend the entire day watching those videos ( no not the same one, they have the coke happiness machines in different places ) and I find myself just smiling in front of the monitor. Weird huh? Try it and watch and you will see yourself smiling as well. 

Hair Colors & Others

After 3 months or so since the last time I dyed my hair, I dyed it again. This time, by myself using the Japanese hair dye called Prettia ( which I posted the product some time earlier in this blog ). I used the color " Sugar Apricot " , a orangish yellow color. 

So it was pretty fun applying, it's like shampoo. So I had the time of my life applying it. It came with instructions written in Japanese so I looked it up on YouTube to get a visual of how to apply it instead. Thankfully, it was pretty to understand and do. So off I went . I would post pictures up of how I did it, but then my sister's laptop totally deleted all of it so that really sucks. 

So there I was dye dye dye dying my hair and then left it in for a good how many minutes , or actually an hour or so haha. The instructions said only 20minutes to 30 but then I remembered before college graduation I went to Makati and had it dyed Black . I admit I just went to the saloons just around the corner thinking it would be okay since everyone else does it , but I had bad luck with it. The dye they had used on my hair was the real cheap kinds like you can buy them for 5 pesos or something and that can instantly damage your hair and if you try to dye it again a different color, the color won't stick anymore. So I got it bad. Maybe it was a sign that my hair's telling me that they don't want to be dyed anymore ( since I love dying my hair ) or just pure bad luck. I mean the black hair was okay when my hair was sorta long but yeah.. yeah .. HAHA. 

So yeah, 3 weeks before using Prettia, I had used Decore or I think that was the brand name I'm not sure. Pretty nice cause unlike different hair dye brands, it made my hair smoother and softer. I wanted it like a RED RED , as in RED. I know it's weird to dye it that color since Im living in the Philippines and here people are usually on the "safe" side but hey , I feel like dying your hair is also making a statement of who you are. But yeah, because of the black dye, it wasn't that red but more of a dark reddish brown, okay well more of a dark brown. So that was a waste of money. So on Saturday, I tried Prettia , since I heard that it can lighten dark hair colors. Soooo ..

There you go. You would think that the color you see there would turn out on my hair but then when I washed it out, uhm. I don't know what color is it. It's almost the same color as my last hair color ( the dark reddish brown) but more lighter. So basically I guess it really just lightened my hair color.

So now it's been 4 days or so after, and I would have thought that by washing it it would also get lighter or the color will show more, but then it's still the same as from my first wash. I don't really know what color it really is. I will post a picture of it when I get the chance to. 

Okay so, I guess the color is alright. I got compliments on the color (whatever color this is haha) The application is real easy and fun to do. The downside about this is that the conditioner that came with it was only 4ML, and sooooo very little. It didn't really fit for my already short hair. My hair also turned a little more dryer than it usually is , so I'm still looking for a way to make it more softer. I just really hope this doesn't affect hair growth O_o cause I'm hoping that my hair will get longer before summer. 

Anyways , someone just asked me " What is up with me, How have you been? " . You seriously want to ask me that? I hate it when people ask me that question because I will always give the same reply which is " I'm Okay " or " Okay lang " . I don't like people asking me it because I am waiting for the day that I will answer " I'm great" but then by the way things are, HAHA. But whatever, live life to the fullest. =D so .. I'm good =D .



Soo much for my attitude last night which was " My Monday's gonna be very PRODUCTIVE! "  Soooo much for that. I was hoping my Monday would be uber productive that I will be able to reward myself with something great by the end of the day, but now I'm feeling kinda , okay not kinda, but VERY disappointed... My Monday was not how I thought it would go. =(

Always kept it in my mind that it would be PRODUCTIVE so that the rest of the week it would be PRODUCTIVE, but my Monday failed me. Or have I failed myself? 

I would really hate to think that I have failed myself because I've really tried, but then something always manages to fuck things up. Like today, my eyes hurt real bad which causes my head to hurt. I still don't know why I haven't attempted to buy a new pair of glasses ( maybe because the one I want is a bit too pricey haha ) . But my goal in 15 more days to buy new glasses to help my eyes, astigmatism, and to help stop my headache. 

err. Ookay, one thing I really hate about me is when my head starts hurting freakishly much my brain stops functioning right there, like everything shuts down and I just wanna curl up in a corner OR IN MY OWN BED and just sleep it off. Thank god for flexi time for work. Seriously I don't know if its my sinusitis or what. But it is killing me. What a way to start my MONDAY. I hope tomorrow will be better since its the first of a new month. PLEASE FEB.1 BE GOOD TO ME.

HAPPY 72nd MONTHSARY.. good or bad?


WOW. we've been playing each other for so long now. HAHA. KIDDING . 
From the start on how we met through FRIENDSTER till now , its been one helluva rollercoaster ride for the both of us. We can even ask everyone who knows us REAL GOOD , all they can answer about us is HAY NKU . But somehow it's weird how we still find a way back to each other after disasters. Pretty aaawwessomeeee that you can put up with me after everything.We're both still young so let's just go wherever life takes us. <3


 " Do we fall back on what we know , or do we step forward to something new? "

" Fighter "

" Fighter "

After all you put me through
You'd think I'd despise you
But in the end I wanna thank you
'Cause you made that much stronger

Well I thought I knew you
Thinking that you were true
Guess I, I couldn't trust called your bluff
Time is up, 'cause I've had enough
You were there by my side
Always down for the ride
But your joy ride just came down in flames
'Cause your greed sold me out in shame, mmm hmm

After all of the stealing and cheating
You probably think that
I hold resentment for you
But uh uh, oh no, you're wrong

'Cause if it wasn't for all
That you tried to do
I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through

So I wanna say thank you

'Cause it
Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Never saw it coming
All of your backstabbing
Just so, you could cash in on a good thing
Before I'd realized your game

I heard you're going 'round
Playin' the victim now

But don't even begin feelin' I'm the one to blame
'Cause you dug your own grave

After all of the fights and the lies
Guess you're wanting to hurt me
But that won't work anymore
No more, uh uh, it's over

'Cause if it wasn't for all of your torture
I wouldn't know how to be this way now
And never back down
So I wanna say thank you

'Cause it
Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

How could this man I thought I know
Turn out to be unjust so cruel?
Could only see the good in you
Pretended not to see the truth

You tried to hide your lies
Disguise yourself through
Living in denial
But in the end you'll see
You won't stop me

I am a fighter

(I'm a fighter)
I ain't gonna stop
(I ain't gonna stop)
There is no turning back
I've had enough

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Thought I would forget
But I, I remember
Yes I remember
I'll remember

Thought I would forget
But I remember
Yes I remember
I'll remember

Makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
Makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter

Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter

Has anyone ever actually sat down and listened to the song " Fighter " by Christina Aguilera? From her old album Stripped? GOOD ASS SONG . I ain't gonna lie but I loved her for it when this album came out and after I heard this song. Whenever I listen to it, it's like instantly I wanna forget the bullshit and just say FUCK IT , i'm gonna do me, i'm gonna be, and i'm gonna do whatever the hell i want. Automatically, I know I don't need alot of people in my life if most of them aren't real. I don't need the people who don't have RESPECT for me the way I had for them , and I don't need people who act like they accept me but they really don't. But still, like in the song I need to THANK those people for helping me realize this. 

There are some that really really know me, like right through my skin , the whole me, inside and out, and I know they know who I can be when I'm really pushed. Like you all know, I was raised well by my Dad, but when the time comes I really am pushed to the limit. My mouth will just keep going and going and I will seriously kill you with my words, no lie. Don't take my kindness to another level where you end up not having respect for me, God made us all equal so please, you want me to respect you respect me , if we are cool with that, then I love you forever, but if not. I won't waste my time on you. 

I realized there are also some where I don't show them the real me, where I am majorly nice, but then I realize they take advantage of that which slowly makes me free the evil from within that I really don't want to happen, because I seriously can do damage. I guess looking back at Middle School, the people who realize that I have to be mean at times and literally taught me how to be mean , I could use now. But ever since I got into a fight when I was younger and embarrassed the shit out of my dad by getting a call from the cops and my dad was a cop then, I guess I promised myself I wouldn't be mean and I will keep my mouth shut. BUT SERIOUSLY I CANT KEEP THAT PROMISE ANYMORE . I cant get by the world being nice to everyone , I am going to be demanding when I need to demand things, I am going to be a bitch when I need to tell a person straight to stay in check and stay away from me if they are in a bitchy mood and wants to make me feel stupid and to back the fuck off cause I'm serious.  

I still can't get over the fact that I moved here and back to the Philippines. WHY DID I DO THAT?! SERIOUSLY WHY?!. I've experienced everything here just by moving here . HELL AND BACK . Endless nights where I would cry because . WHO IS REAL HERE WHERE YOU CAN ACTUALLY RUN TO . ONLY A GOOD FEW . But I still kept it together even though I know my worth and what I can do when I get mad. So please, please, don't push me to my limit. Both sides of my family are bitchy, demanding, in short they get what they want and they won't let anyone step on them. I admit I broke the line when I was born but now, as I'm learning more to live here in Philippines and meeting new people ( WHICH there are a few who are already on my hit list ) that I will show that I did not disapoint my family line both sides . 

Anyways. I think I'm done raging online. Anyways. The song up top means a lot to me. If you're lucky to really know the real me, you would understand why. But seriously, I love this song and I just wanted to share it with you guys and for those who haven't listened to it yet. It helps just by listening to it =)


I like my outfit today. I mean it's nothing to be WOW'd really about but I am just loving my neon green cheetah print racer back.  Or maybe I'm loving my outfit because the most expensive thing out of it was my black cardigan costing PHP.300. HAHA! I love tiangges with cheap thrills =)! .

See, it's not that BOOM WOW outfit but just right for a chilly lazy day in the Philippines. And okay, fine I'm gonna admit I liked the outfit because the most expensive buy was the black cardigan :D . 

Cardigan: PHP.300
Leggings: PHP.200
Flats: PHP.200
Neon Green Cheetah Print Racer Back : PHP. 50
Hello Kitty Pin & Necklace : FREEE

Oh Sorry . Kinda hefty. Trying to Diet. HAHA.

I don't know why I had the urge to pin a Hello Kitty pin on my cardigan. I just thought it was a way for the black cardigan to have a little UMPF in it. hahah!

But yeah, I really love ukays and tiangges. You can find alot of unique things that no one else has. But please don't think that all my belongings come from there cause I swear you'd also be surprised to find things that you won't believe I own. Ha. Ha. 



Will try to MASTER this . But why are the films in Team Manila for this are sooooo .. expensive T.T


I cut my hair short, not too long ago. It was one of those days that all of a sudden I couldn't do anything else with my hair and it was as dead as it can get, like double dead meat. So then I was like okay I think I'm gonna get a hairTRIM.  I really don't have a salon that I go to everytime I cut my hair like a permanent one, so I was still wondering where I should get it trimmed. The last place I got it cut was at Tony & Jackey's , i love how korean people do hair but all they did with mine was layer it and just made it more thinner. That's when my face looked fatter than normal, but yeah they do good with hair.. FOR ME in MY OPINION . Then I recalled I had gotten my hair cut at David's and that was the one I loved the most. It was when Rihanna's short do was totally in and ( I noticed after my haircut) that everyone had the same 'do. Fail. But I loved how they did it. So, I decided to try out Going Straight Salon. UHM. I don't know if the stylist was getting tired or sleepy but I feel like my hair was played around with. Seriously. And yet, another FAIL. On the birghter side, I got banging bangs and my hair started growing faster. But seriously, I really did not know what went on in that stylists' mind when he went for my hair. 

So now, I was thinking, I mean I love my hair with my whole heart even if I caused it damage by having to deal with the stylist and his scissors, but I feel like I want to try hair extensions. =) 

The downfall for me though is that I really don't know what color my hair is. What if I think its some kind of brown color then when I attach it, it's a whole different color! But I think it would be fun to try and suprise everyone I know have long hair. HAHA. But seriously I would like to try.

Aside from wanting to try hair extensions, I'm a sucker for make up, any kind from the eye shadows, lipsticks, etc. I finally was able to get my hands on Maybelline New York's Lip Smooth Care Tinted Lip Balm in Strawberry! . I first purchased the reddish colored one and I instantly fell in love with it. That's why I couldn't wait to get my hands on the pinkish colored  one. It protected my kisses and gave it a pinkish color thats just oh so cute and that matched perfectly with me. It doesn't make my lips chap also like the other ones that I've tried so I'm glad to stay I've finally found a lip balm that I'm going to stick with for awhile. =) . 



i feel sooooooo cranky or more moody.

I believe when you start your week bad, like when you first get up in the morning on MONDAY  , your whole week just goes bad. So I try my best to start every MONDAY  "bright and shiny" , but unlucky me, I started this week bad.

I know mothers are supposed to know best and everything, wait before I start this off, don't judge me I respect my family and I respect everyone elses' , but its just one of those days and blogging helps de-stress. So anyways, my mother all of a sudden just wants to unleash the dragon out on me for no reason. Maybe because I just got spotted and she took out her rage on me. Which I think is totally not cool but I know alot of people can feel me on this one but jeez! Isn't it a pain in the ass though! I thought I would be better off if I just don't talk to her but then JEEz , I got aimed at again this morning, which totally turned into a feud. OH WELL. nothing will change if i keep bitchin , just have to move on..

dear the rest of the week.. please do me good. I could use a picker upper this week.  

jee.i swear my blogs going emo. haha



Thank you Lord for the 23 Years of life you've given me and all the blessings that you have blessed me with. I know there is nothing that you wouldn't throw at me that I can't handle. Thank you for preparing me for the life journey that you are writing me. 


I sore for the New Year I would have a new attitude and get rid of my anger in side mode but then again it's really hard. I mean it's not that I'm motivated into doing it but I just can't help it when someone pisses me the fuck off. Ok I admit I do get mad which makes me human because other people thought I was always happy. FUCK NO. Haha. I am human.I was just raised to control all anger after fighting and getting in trouble while your dad was a police. That was sucha a no no. So after that, I swear to keep calm in all situations so I hold back everything and what is gay it comes out in tears. HAHA.

1 More Day Left =) I do hope I get an Onigiri <3


First day back at work and my brain is still on vacation mode ..

TAGAYTAY is love .. for me

In a way it was a little relaxing to spend the last few MINUTES in Tagaytay.I missed going there. I remember when my friends and I were still going to school , or graduating school, we would all *suprise* pick each other up in a beat up old L300 at night and drive up there just to chill. Now, since almost everyone is busy with JOBS ( yes amazing how everyone has jobs now ha. ha) we rarely get to see each other and spend time with each other. So that's why its kinda relaxing to go up there and eat BULALO! =).

Yes.. BULALO is really good on really cold nights. This is what I love about Tagaytay. It ruined my "no rice" diet because this won't be a great meal without rice. 

For great Bulalo and a great view of Tagaytay and the Taal volcano, I suggest you visit Greenats.

The place got bigger =) . It has such a nice ambiance and the view ( again yes I repeated ) is just amazing especially during the day or when the sun is about to go down because you have a great view of Tagaytay , either in little kubos or regular tables. It doesn't matter if you can't see the view at night because you wouldn't mind that because of the strong winds that will have your asses really cold and wanting their bulalo. 

I can't wait to go back to relax. I was planning on the weekend of my birthday to spend the weekend there then get a boat ride to the Taal volcano, but things came up. So hopefully next time. Hopefully next time also, I will be able to experience Batangas and Puerto Gallera. Yes I know, I am so late but what the hell. I'm still young =)

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